Winston-Salem and Durham remind me of each other in some ways, since both are old tobacco industry towns with major universities brought there by tobacco money. One thing I love about Winston that Durham doesn't have is Old Salem, which I'll write obout in another post. Old Salem is a big plus! Durham does have Winston-Salem beat in the mall department, though; the Streets at Southpoint is my favorite over Hanes Mall. I was a history major in college, and am not a big shopper, so I'm wishing Durham had an Old Salem.
We enjoyed ourselves in Winston-Salem so much that we decided to stay Sunday night as well. Our hotel that night was near the Wake Forest campus, so I decided to run over and around campus. My legs couldn't handle running that morning after all (more about that in the Pilot Mountain post), so I enjoyed walking around campus instead. It was nice to stay close enough to walk in, and made me wish I lived close enough to walk to work now.
Sunday night I volunteered to run out and get dinner take-out for the two of us, and after some driving, ended up at Reynolda Village. I'd forgotten what a quaint shopping area that is! I ordered us a couple of sandwiches from Village Tavern, a restaurant I remembered fondly from my time in the Triad. (There was one in Greensboro as well.) In this instance, the service was slow, the orders were slightly wrong (too minor to return)--and sans ketchup for George, and I wish in retrospect that we'd just eaten there together, tired as we were that evening after touring Old Salem. It's a cute restaurant, and it would've been a nice night to sit outside.
I'd forgotten that Reynolda House and Gardens are behind the shopping area at Reynolda Village. It was too late in the evening to take a tour; besides, I was without George and the camera. Still, it brought back nice memories of a previous visit, and made me want to return there.
On the way out of town on Monday morning, George and I went back to the Wake Forest campus to take pictures around the main quad. Both visits to campus that weekend reminded me how much I enjoyed working there. One of the highlights on Monday was stopping by Z. Smith Reynolds Library and meeting Lauren, someone I've known virtually for several years, first through a Yahoo group for librarians and librarian-wannabees, then through Facebook and Twitter. (One of the few regrets about the weekend was not having George take a picture of Lauren and me, that would've been fun!)
Below are some of the pictures I took on campus.
This is Wait Chapel. In addition to weekly services, it houses special events. In 2000, one of the Presidential Debates between Bush and Gore happened here. I entered a ticket lottery for faculty and staff, and was able to attend the debate, which was fascinating.
This is Reynolda Hall, the administrative building on the Wake Forest campus.
Here's George, in front of one of the buildings on the quad. I thought the flowers were a pretty backdrop.
One of my favorite things about visiting the campus on this Monday morning was meeting Lauren, who's been a virtual acquaintance for several years. She works at Z. Smith Reynolds Library, and slthough she was meeting with someone when we dropped in, she was nice enough to come downstairs to meet George and me. It was a treat to meet her in person, after several years of emails, message board posts, Facebook friendship and Twitter feeds. I guess you could call her a Web 2.0 friend!
Because of the construction, we couldn't make a grand entrance through the front door of the library. We followed signs around to what seemed like the back of the building, and entered through the door that bore this sign--rather unassuming for such a large and pretty building!
This is one of the reading rooms, which is quite pretty!
On the way from the library to the car, we came across signs for a Lego camp being held at Wake Forest. I'm not exactly sure what this creature was, but it was in the Wake Forest colors of gold and black, and sitting outside the building where it seemed that the Lego camp was taking place.
Wake Forest is also home to NPR station WFDD. Famous people with Wake Forest connections include golfer Arnold Palmer, football player Brian Piccolo, basketball player Tim Duncan, and poet Maya Angelou.